Thursday, October 20, 2011

Northwest Iowa

A week ago my friend the Rich ( the Iowa Farm Boy ) and I took off for three days in Northwest Iowa to do some photo shootin'. I think as much as taking pictures the trip gave us a chance to get away from the rest of the world for a while. We were trying to find some old barber shops and diners as well as fall colors and old barns. Traveling through the small towns we became very aware of just how bad the economy has gotten. We only found two barber shops. One was in a house and the other I would not send my dogs to. As for diners, of the two towns that were closest to where we were staying, we only found one diner and it was in a gas station. If you would like to see some of my pictures from the trip click here.

Zombie Walk

Last Saturday was the annual Zombie Walk in the Benson area of Omaha. This event has grown and is a fundraising event for the Sienna House for the homeless. I have posted some photos on my site to show some of the creative creatures. Click here.