Thursday, December 22, 2011

I wish for you..............

Just wanted to wish all my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you celebrate the season in your own special way.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is this world coming to...............

Hi. Have not posted in quite some time but I could not hold this back any longer. I usually don't do things like this but felt I had to get it off my chest.

Having been born in 1941 I have seen my share of changes in technology, the world and governments. Right now I have to say that our government (USA) is about as broken as I can remember. Nobody seems to be working in our government the way our founding fathers envisioned. I read or heard a while ago some terrorist said that the best weapon against the free world is to disrupt their financial systems. Well look around folks it is happening. And I got to think that maybe we have a sleeper cell in our government all the way up to the White House. In my opinion Obama has disgraced the office of the President.

Please get out an vote this coming election and get rid of the idiots who are supposed to be running this country and I mean democrats, republicans and independents.

Oh, Oh, there's knock at my door. Must be the secret police.

Have a happy holiday what ever your beliefs and let's all work to get back our country.